
  • Mahsuma Ismoilova Bukhara State University


Currently, when the modern education system is being formed, special attention is paid to the use of digital technologies in practice, the popularization of virtual technologies, the creation of new methodological models of teaching and their application in the educational process. This, in turn, will serve to radically improve the quality of education, the full implementation by students of the established curricula, and increase the personal interest of students. Therefore, one of the urgent problems of education at present is to increase the culture of effective use of mobile technologies by students. The solution of such problems can be achieved by developing a methodology for teaching students subjects, including practical tasks, using mobile technologies. This article discusses the purpose, conditions of use, the activities of the teacher and student, the expected result and criteria for achieving it of teaching methods based on mobile technologies used when performing practical tasks in the classroom.

Keywords: mobile technologies, mobile education, teaching methods, methods of mobile education.


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How to Cite

Ismoilova , M. (2024). METHODS OF ORGANIZING PRACTICAL CLASSES IN MOBILE EDUCATION. International Scientific Conferences Portal. Retrieved from